
Disability Benefits 101 contains information on complex subjects and programs. It should be used as an overview and general guide to the programs described. Program rules change. DB101 information may contain errors or dated information. Please contact program staff for verification.

Disability Benefits 101 makes no representation about the suitability or accuracy of statements or data on this site or its affiliated sites and all content is provided "as is" without any warranty, expressed or implied. Disability Benefits 101 shall not be liable for any damages caused by the use of content on this site or any of its affiliated sites. Links from this site or its affiliated sites to other sites are provided for the convenience of its viewers. Links do not constitute endorsements by Disability Benefits 101 and may be followed solely at the risk of the viewer.

The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the policies or legal positions of the World Institute on Disability, its partners, contractors or of any program described herein. DB101 information does not render any legal, accounting, or other professional advice, nor is it intended to explain fully all of the provisions or exclusions of the relevant laws, regulations, and rulings of the programs described. Program or governing agency original sources of authority should be researched and used.

The stories in DB101's Life Situations section, though presented in the form of case studies for illustrative purposes, are fictional. The stories are drawn from the real work experience of benefits planners, but the characters represented are composites or wholly fictitious. The images used are stock photographs.