How Health Benefits Work
- The Basics
- Income-Based Medicaid
- APA-Related Medicaid
- Working Disabled Medicaid Buy-In
- Medicare
- Employer-Sponsored Coverage
- Individual Coverage on
- FAQs
- Pitfalls
- Next Steps
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Individual Coverage on
Look at individual coverage if:
- You can't get Medicaid
- You can’t get Medicare, and
- You can’t get employer-sponsored coverage.
Is Individual Coverage Right for You?
With individual coverage, an individual or family pays a monthly premium and the plan agrees to pay some of the costs of approved medical services when needed, including preventive care, lab tests, surgery, or prescription drugs. If you have low to moderate income, the government may help you pay for your monthly premium and get a plan with lower copayments.
Answer the questions on this page to see if it might make sense for you to get individual health coverage. If it does, sign up using, the easiest place to comparison shop for an individual plan and the only place where you might be able to get help from the government to pay for your private insurance.
Do You Have Any Better Options?
If you can get Medicaid, Medicare, or employer-sponsored coverage, you won’t qualify to get government help paying for an individual plan. That means they are usually a better choice than getting an individual plan, because they’ll cost less.
Can You Get Medicaid?
Medicaid is a government health program for people with low income. It’s a great program that usually has no monthly premium and copayments for services that are usually much lower than copayments required by individual plans. Also, Medicaid may cover some services that an individual plan would not.
If you can’t get Medicaid, individual coverage might be a good option for you.
You may qualify for Medicaid if you are in one of these situations:
- Your family’s income is at or below 138% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) ($2,249 per month for an individual; $4,623 for a family of four). The income limits are higher if you are 18 or younger or are pregnant. There are no limits to how much money or other resources you have. Learn more about income-based Medicaid.
You have a disability or are at least 65 years old:
- APA-related Medicaid for people with disabilities and seniors may offer additional services, but there are more eligibility requirements, such as having a disability, having low resources, and different income rules. Learn more about APA-related Medicaid.
- The Working Disabled Medicaid Buy-In program lets people with disabilities who make more money than the income limits for other types of Medicaid get Medicaid coverage. However, you may have to pay a monthly premium. Learn more about the Working Disabled Medicaid Buy-In.
Can You Get Medicare?
Medicare is a government health program for seniors (65 years old or older) and people with disabilities. To get Medicare coverage, you or a family member must have worked for a certain number of years and met other eligibility rules.
If you get Medicare, you cannot get government help to pay for an individual health plan. You could still buy an individual plan through, but you would have to pay the entire premium yourself.
If you can’t get Medicare, individual coverage might be a good option for you.
Can You Get Employer-Sponsored Coverage?
Many employers offer private health coverage as a job benefit for employees, their children until they turn 26, and their spouses. If your employer offers you health coverage that would cost you less than 9.02% of your household’s income and that coverage meets a certain benefits level, you won't qualify for government help paying for an individual plan. If you can get employer-sponsored coverage, but sign up for an individual plan anyway, you will have to pay the full premium.
Note: Before 2023, the spouse or children of an employee would not qualify for subsidies on if the employer offered coverage that was affordable for the employee's policy alone, even if the cost to add the rest of the family wasn't affordable. This was called the "family glitch." This changed starting in 2023. Learn more about affordability rules for family members and how it affects eligibility for tax credits on
If you can’t get employer-sponsored coverage, individual coverage might be a good option for you.
When an Individual Plan Is Your Best Option
You should get an individual plan through if you cannot get health coverage from:
- Your job
- Your spouse’s job
- Your parent’s job
- Medicaid, or
- Medicare.
The government may make your individual plan more affordable if you cannot get health coverage from any of the above options:
- You may get a tax subsidy to help pay your monthly premium.
- You may also qualify for a plan with lower expenses, such as smaller copayments, if your family’s income is at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) ($47,025 for an individual; $97,500 for a family of four).
Note: There is no income limit for getting subsidies that help pay individual coverage premiums. (Before 2021, the limit was 400% of FPG.) To get subsidies, you still must meet other eligibility rules and the premium amount you pay depends on your income and your plan.
When looks at your income, they will count most types of earned and unearned income you have. However, some income is not counted, including Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and some contributions to retirement accounts. Learn more about what types of income affect whether you get help paying for individual coverage.
Try's health plan directory.

Your family size: | |
Income limits for your family (per year): | |
$19,550 | |
$6,880 | |
$18,810 | |
$6,730 | |
Income-based Medicaid, adults (138% FPG) | |
Income-based Medicaid, children (208% FPG) | |
Subsidized private plans, reduced fees (250% FPG) | |
Subsidized private plans (no income limit) | -- |
If your family's income is at or below the limit for a program, you may qualify if you meet other program rules.
Note: Different programs sometimes use slightly different numbers for the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG).
For private plans with subsidies, your monthly premium amount depends on your
Carefully compare your options when you get an individual plan. All plans must cover the Essential Health Benefits. However, the amount you’ll have to pay for your premium and other fees, such as copayments, co-insurance, and deductible depends on your exact plan.
There are four levels of plan:
- Platinum plans have the highest monthly premiums and the lowest fees when you get medical care.
- Gold plans have slightly lower premiums and slightly higher fees when you get medical care.
- Silver plans have lower premiums. The fees for medical services depend on your family’s income; if your income is at or below 250% of FPG, the fees may be as low as a gold or platinum plan.
- Bronze plans have the lowest monthly premiums and the highest fees when you get medical care.
You may see these plans listed with percentage ratings (60%, 70%, 73%, 80%, 87%, or 90%). The higher the percentage rating, the lower the fees you have to pay when you get medical care.
The bottom line: If your income is at or below 250% of FPG, sign up for a silver plan. Otherwise, think about how much you typically spend on medical care to decide which metal plan is best.
How to Sign Up is a one-stop shop where you can compare plans and figure out which is right for you. And it is the only place where you can get government help to pay for your individual plan.
Start out by comparing your options so that you can make an informed decision when you are ready. If you find confusing or think there is a mistake, get help by calling at 1-800-318-2596 or 1-855-889-4325 (TTY) or get local help.
Open Enrollment
Open enrollment for individual plans has ended for this year. People in certain situations can still sign up for a health plan under special enrollment rules.
Usually, you can only sign up for an insurance plan through during a specific time called open enrollment:
- To get an individual plan that will cover you during 2025, you must sign up between November 1, 2024 and January 15, 2025.
- If you do not sign up during that time, you will not usually be allowed to sign up for an individual plan through until another year has passed.
Special Enrollment
You can sign up for an individual plan through even though it is not the usual open enrollment period if:
- Your household income is at or below 150% of FPG
- You lose other health coverage you had
- Your income changes and you gain or lose eligibility for government help paying for your coverage
- You become a legal resident of the U.S.
- You move
- There was a mistake in your enrollment, or
- In other life-changing circumstances, such as having a child or getting married.
Note: American Indians and Alaska Natives do not have these restrictions on enrollment.
Learn more
What Benefits Do I Get?
How to see which Social Security and state benefits you get.
Finding the Right Health Coverage For You
Explore the best health coverage options for you with this interactive tool.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
SSI and Adult Public Assistance (APA) give cash benefits to people with disabilities and seniors who have low income and low resources.
Get Expert Help
Benefits and Work
How Work Affects SSI and SSDI:
Call the Ticket to Work Help Line
1-866-968-7842 -
Contact the Alaska WIPA Project
Contact your Division of Public Assistance (DPA) office
- Contact your Division of Public Assistance (DPA) office
Call the Alaska Medicaid Recipient Helpline
Call Medicare
1-800-633-4227 -
Call the Alaska Medicare Information Office
Work Preparation
- Contact your Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) office
- Contact your Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation office
- Contact your Alaska Job Center
Other Benefits
Non-Benefits Questions
Contact an Aging and Disability Resource Center
1-855-565-2017 - Contact an Independent Living Center
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